Happy Khmer New Year 2558 from CEROC

This Khmer new year occasion of 2558, the CEROC Committees and all members would like to WISH YOU AND FAMILY A HAPPY, HEALTHY AND SUCCESSFUL YEAR. May you all are blessed by THE FIVE BLESSINGS OF LORD BUDDHA: LONGEVITY, WELL-BEING, HAPPINESS, HEALTHINESS, AND PROSPERITY.

CEROCERS would like to express deep gratitude for your kind support to the vision and mission of our campaign. Your involvement and petition signing are our realistic collective effort to strive for another level of rescuing our nation.

Our rights to vote in Cambodia elections is an unalienable right and we are just asking for clear stating in the law as well as the facilitating for all Cambodians Overseas to vote without obstacle.

We have already undertaken great tasks to rescue our nation through remittances, donation, active involvement in political forums and sharing all good news through social media; but our next step is the Right to Vote that we are not only achieving our obligation as the Cambodian citizens but to impact policy in Cambodia through our constituents.

Sincerely Yours,
Sophoan Seng
CEROC Team Leader

Happy Khmer New Year 2558

CEROC is actively advocating for Right to Vote during this Khmer New Year Celebration

Dear Brothers & Sisters;

It has been nearly a month now that CEROC has actively campaigned for the Right to Vote of all Cambodians Overseas. For this historical and collective effort, the CEROCERS, supporters and sympathizers are actively working hard to spread this news and collect petition signatures as much as they can. During this solemn Khmer New Year Celebration of passing from year of 2557 to ascending towards to the year of 2558, CEROC is extremely colloquial and ambitious.

Beside of regular promotion through individual contact, family gathering, public forums, ceremonies and traditional gathering such as Khmer New Year, CEROC has used print media such as T-shirts, posters, flyers and artistic logos to outreach and ads our campaign omnipresently. Below are selective print media for your reference.


CEROC Khmer logo CEROC Logo CEROC Logo 1 logo Logo voters Rights of CEROC T-shirt Back T-shirt Back 1 T-shirt Front T-shirt Front 1