It is time for all Khmers Overseas to shoulder together


While he is riding on the Swing Gondola at the Calgary Stampede Festival, Mr. Seng Sophoan made an appealing to all Cambodians around the world to sign petition to demand for the Rights to Vote in Cambodia elections. His message is making clear that “no Cambodian citizen shall be marginalized from their full participation in social, economic and political activities in Cambodia”.

His team work is named “The CEROC” or “Commission for Election Rights of Overseas Cambodians” has been established since March 9th, 2014 and this volunteer-based organization has accomplished several things including nearly 3000 petition collections from around the world.

With this prospect, their right to vote is inclusive and NEC must not exclude them although they have lived or worked or studied in foreign countries.

At the end, he inquired the Cambodia NEC to prepare a National Election that is acceptable by international standard, be inclusive, free and fair, and receptive to universal suffrage.

We Demand Universal Suffrage

We Demand Universal Suffrage

We Demand Universal Suffrage

Appealing from The CEROC Leader

Khmers people who are living around the globe must be able to vote during each national election of Cambodia. Their rights to vote and nation-building is guaranteed by the Cambodia National Constitution and the International Laws.

With this common ground, we have laid down concerted effort to achieve it.

Our nation shall hugely benefit from this.

Our future generation shall hugely benefit from this.

Together we accomplish!

The CEROC (8)

The CEROC thanks CNRP Minnesota and IKA

Thank you letter 2-page-001During a trip to Minnesota accompanying MP Mu Sochua, Mrs. Janet Seng, member of the CEROC received $400US from CNRP Minnesota and IKA in which it is used for the activities especially promotion to collect more signatures and petitions, and to make the public more aware on the Rights to Vote in Cambodia elections by Khmers overseas.

In this moment, we would like to express congratulation and appreciation towards CNRP Minnesota and IKA for their great spirit and wholehearted support for the causes of democracy for Cambodians.


Thank you letter for CNRP Minnesota and IKA for their Support of the CEROC

CEROC thanks Youth Movement Team of New Market

Recently, our member, Mrs.Janet Seng in her accompanying with MP Mu Sochua for her trip to Canada, the Khmer Youth Movement of New Market donated $700 to CEROC. We would like to express our sincere congratulation and appreciation to the Youth Team of New Market, Ontario, for their dedication and pioneering to bring about change for our nation.

The money for CEROC will be wisely used for the Rights to Vote of all Overseas Cambodians.

Thank you very much,
Thank you letter 1-page-001


Thank you letter for Khmer Youth Movement of New Market in Ontaio Canada