Petition to the house of common of Canada on Cambodia
- The Charter of Rights and Freedoms has not solely served Canadians but people around the world. Canada has been known for its leading roles in supporting the Paris Peace Agreement in 1991 to settle down civil wars and conflicts in Cambodia, to conduct a first general election in 1993 sponsored by the UN, and to continue support of democratic and economic development;
- The legacy of democracy, political pluralism, rule of law, free and fair election from the UN in 1993, has completely cracked down by government-led party Cambodia’s People Party led by Prime Minister Hun Sen prior to the national election on July 29, 2018;
- Within his whole triumph to clinging to everlasting power, national Constitution and institution are used to legitimize his power and to influence the Cambodian voters and the international community;
- The largest opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party was dissolved, its leader and activists were put in jail, 55 seats of law-maker and 2007 posts of commune councillors elected by the people were disenfranchised; and
- The UN, the US, the EU and Australia have expressed their grave concern over this state of democracy.
We, the undersigned, citizens and permanent residents of Canada,, call upon the Government of Canada to:

1) Express serious concern over the upcoming election in Cambodia;
2) Reconvene or to join with other nation-states to fully implement the Paris Peace Agreement to organize a free and fair election in Cambodia; and
3) Ban and/or sanction individuals for their involvement in cracking down on democracy and human rights violation in Cambodia.
Click this link to sign this online petition.